“John Wozniak, guitarist & singer-songwriter of the band, told The Morning Call in 1998 that he followed the Grateful Dead from ages 14-20 selling LSD & hard-boiled eggs for a living. Reading that he had indulged in over 100 acid trips himself during that time, I asked him how his time as a Deadhead had influenced his sound…”
Author: Hector Zaldivar
Professional magician. @hexzald
Momma on Kissing Fans, Moving Coast-to-Coast, & their New Record; HoB Anaheim 11/6
“In Sacramento, this girl asked if I could kiss her. I said no at first, but I ended up doing it. On the cheek. Allegra’s recommendation.”
Friendships & 70’s Mops w/ Archer Oh, Garden Amp 10/7
“At our first gig at The Smell, we got to our last song Red Clouds & the room was ridiculously hot. No circulation, you’re basically breathing in everyone else’s breaths. I started feeling woozy mid-song & threw…”
Moments, Diction, & Synesthesia: This Is Swan Faucet. Dyzzy on Vinyl, 10/2
“Everytime we play a song it’s different. It’s always a jam. The moment tells us when to push, when to pull.”
MILLY on Weezer Cover Bands, their Debut Full-Length, & Deep-Cut Emo, El Cid 9/9
“Spencer put us on to a lot of deep-cut emo, so I feel like that’s where we’re at right now. I like current bands too, but I feel like there’s more star power in the 90’s.”
Makeout Reef on Growth since Existential, Garden Amp 10/7
“Lyrically I tend to write about what I’m going through; we were in high school when this band took off, now we’re about to graduate from university. We’ve all been dealing with more mature themes & I think that also comes across sonically, even when we revisit old songs.”
Smooth Jas on Canh Khổ Qua & Songwriting as a Diary, FTG 9/22
“For me, music was a personal thing. It’s sort of like writing in a diary. Whenever I felt emotionally distressed as a kid, I’d go to my room & start playing piano or singing my favorite songs. Since then, it’s kind of stayed like that. I can’t really write in a diary. Makes me feel weird. But writing a song lets things out & helps me move on. It’s really helpful to me.”