Algo que nos pasa seguido es que en cualquier ciudad de Estados Unidos que toquemos, siempre hay un par de Mexicanos. Y puedo ver qué les emociona y/o da gusto ver a una banda de Mexico tocando por esos lados. Esta curada poder platicar con ellos un poco, conocer gente nueva que se identifican como Mexicanos pero que crecieron en otro país y en otra realidad totalmente distinta a la que nosotros tuvimos. Creo que como latinos nos ponemos felices de toparnos lejos de casa, pero también creo que sin decírnos lo sabemos que de una u otra manera la hemos perreado para estar ahí.

Categorized as Hardcore


Something that happens to us often is that in any city in the US we play in, there are always a couple of Mexicans. And I can see that they get excited and/or happy to see a band from Mexico playing in those parts. It’s nice to be able to talk with them a little, meet new people who identify as Mexican but grew up in another country and in another reality totally different from the one we had. I think that as Latinos we are happy to find ourselves far from home. I also think that, without telling ourselves, we know that in one way or another, we found a way to be there.

Categorized as Hardcore

ZANJEER زنجیر.

According to Europe, I’m a “person of color,” “Pakistani,” “Muslim,” “brown male” and various other identities that mean nothing to me. Meanwhile in Pakistan, I had other identities to contend with regarding the linguistic backgrounds in my family, the province I lived in, religious sects… But really, I could care less about these things. I’ve always identified as an outsider and an outcast. Thus every sort of identity feels like a burden on me. There are more fluid and interesting ways to understand the diversity of human cultures and groups that exist… Let’s deconstruct this sh*t.


LUIS: Art is everything within creating a vibration of sound, whether it be cumbia, hardcore, rap, metal… It’s our creative expression, from Chucky coming up with a riff, to the creative bassline that Brando lays down, to the backbone of the drum parts and Martin’s interpretation of that, to whatever Carlos ends up writing out…… Continue reading DESMADRE – NEGATIVE SHINE.


I’ve been listening to heavy music my whole life. My dad influenced me a lot; he grew up when the punk scene was really popping in the valley. I love the anger that comes with the music. It’s raw and unfiltered and beneficial for everyone involved. When I perform & see people f*cking with my drumming, it makes me want to play harder and with more energy. I think I’ve really changed my perception on things since I started playing shows – listening to what people in the scene have to say about struggles and everyday issues really opened my eyes to how intense life can be.


DIY gives us a chance to have a voice. It gives opportunities to smaller groups that don’t have the chance to play in venues and develop a lot of exposure and experience.


Our main focus is to speak up on fem-forward and societal issues that others might be uncomfortable bringing up themselves. We also try to have fun playing music.


It’s weird because we’ve been around for a long time and we’re still trying to get on all the cool hardcore shows. Like, we want to play For The Children – it would be cool to get that reach and put Harbor Area on the map, but we’ve heard through people that we don’t get put on big hardcore shows because we’re just a ‘backyard band.’ You play too many punk shows, so we can’t take you seriously.

Every Venue is Dead – CON on OC Generator Shows.

“If we’re playing any venue in this economy, it’s like $10 to $12 tickets. And you have to see other bands that you don’t really know. Like, there’s no shows where there’s an actual scene set up, where actual bands that would play a backyard are now in a venue – no, it’s cut up. ‘Cause you have to have a headliner and an opener… It’s different.”