Something Weird – The Sleeperz on Long Beach Punk.

I didn’t find the punk community until I moved to Long Beach. I didn’t have social media, my hometown had no scene, and for a long time, I thought nothing like what we’re doing now was even possible anymore. I was the only person in high school with a band – we’ll put it that way.

But the diversity here is insane. People feel loved and accepted in this community, and most importantly, people really feel like they can be themselves. Long Beach brings out the best in musicians and artists, really gives them a place to express themselves however they want.

Paint Your Depression – Reed Smith.

I’m the black sheep in my family, for sure. When I turned 12, depression took me over. And when I finally found drugs and alcohol, it was the first time I’d ever experienced any kind of relief. Even though I hate being drunk – wild, I know. But if I drink half a beer, I’m buying coke. Then heroin, then this or that. It took me ten years to figure out that pattern after doing it over and over and over again. But fuck dude, I’ve been trying to get sober pretty much since I started. I knew off the rip I was an addict, hands down, immediately.


B: I don’t wanna support a system that gets a bunch of kids high. All for one, but there’s a bunch of venues getting traction where kids always end up fighting each other and getting loaded. Just a lot of drama. There’s no point in supporting a spot where people don’t even care to see you. I mean, there’s always gonna be some people at the front who actually dig you, but when people chill outside, in the corners, on drugs… Those hotspots? The ones where everyone’s NOS’d out? Go to a function, don’t go to a show.


I used to be super harsh on grindcore, death metal, genres like that… Why would anyone want to listen to something that heinous? Or at least, where’s the balance? Not to connect it to anger, because when I listen to that stuff it doesn’t make me angry, but I think after everything I’d been through this music has helped me make peace with it all.


Yo, I’m Marco or Baba whatever y’all wanna call me, but I play drums in Foul. My brothers showed me everything I know about music. They both play in their own bands & don’t get along for reasons, but both of them really have impacted my life.

God Awful – Premeditated.

The hardcore scene has been very welcoming to all of us and it’s brought some amazing people into our lives. The best part about IE hardcore in my opinion is the sense of community. There is always a familiar face at our own shows, and even at shows we attend that we don’t play at. There are so many people we have to thank for constantly showing love and lifting us up. We can only hope to do the same for others and show everyone twice as much love as they show us.

Auditory Anguish – Tragedies of Western Existence.

Goat brought out a small bottle of tequila at like 9AM and said, ‘Whenever I record, time doesn’t exist.’ And he was right – you really didn’t feel the time pass in there. Abe was the first one up and laid out the drums from like 10:30-2 after mic setups, testing, etc, etc. Diego followed with the guitar, Goat followed with the bass, I finished up with the vocals.


Initially, this piece was brainstormed the last week of July 2023 and the pencil didn’t hit the paper till July 28 all the way till August 24, a little under a month of very well-used hours to get this pieced and framed, ready in time. I loved creating this piece and the emotions and memories that came with illustrating sweet dreams, dead memories.

The Family Portrait – Differences. Track by Track.

There was a picture of Jesus on the ceiling that she used to talk to who she thought was her friend. And I’m sure he was… Um, (laugh). But I went to go visit recently, and I saw that my aunt finally took that photo down. I’m 28 now, and I’m still trying to figure out 18 years later how to deal with all this stuff. This project has been such a big help.

Commercialized DIY in Los Angeles. With Fracture.

LA’s becoming pretty commercialized, for sure, as far as the production groups that throw shows. Even the stuff that presents DIY; if you follow the band pages on these bills individually, it’s presented in a very DIY way. ‘Look at our 35mm photos, look at this cool collage-y art thing…’ And the flyers, especially the flyers. It looks so DIY that they’re almost tapping into our scene, you know? And now the standard in this city is a very commercialized DIY, especially in hardcore, for sure. For sure.