Shamon Cassette.

There’s no place for a black person in a white army.

My mom was a single-parent soldier and had me very young. I was raised in Kanagawa, Japan, just outside of Tokyo. I remember seeing her experience a lot for the first time growing up, even though her main push in raising me was to get off the base. I was a kid, a lone wolf, just going around to…


En la calle y en el arte las reglas las voy a romper. Los grafiteros deberían preocuparse por pintar como más les guste, cada quien a lo suyo intentando hacerlo más duro y más cabrón cada vez. TSK:.

Sailor Punk. <Esp>

El ruido que hacemos reside mucho en el dolor, el odio y el rencor. Un grito silencioso que no se detiene si no que evoluciona, dando pie a una lucha contra el ego de cada ser inconsecuente.

Saucyboi69 for Illustrated Madness.

Erotic art is the most important art form to me. It is a declaration that you are proud to see the beauty in something others keep hidden or under strict control, that you can be confident in yourself and what you feel a natural attraction towards. The prouder you are, the better. There is a stigma attached that can make people look down on the genre or not want to interact with it at all. But that’s what makes it feel like an underdog tale to me, and a fight worth fighting.

Will Carsola for Illustrated Madness.

There were many moments like this, but the most pivotal moment was when I dropped out of art school. I was a painting major but after starting to make videos with my friend Dave Stewart, I decided to drop out and teach myself how to write, direct, edit, and more. Making sketch comedy, graffiti, skate, and music videos led me to animation, which helped further define my art style. That led me to co-create a couple Adult Swim shows, which led to my involvement with Liquid Death.


My message and style is I don’t give a f*ck. I’m just here to paint this bat and piss people off.


I moved by myself exclusively for many years. I didn’t want to collab with anyone, I wanted to do it all on my own. That’s a young artist’s game, I feel. When you first get into your art more seriously, you think you’re gonna show everybody – there’s never been a producer, rapper, whatever, that can do it like me.

The deeper you get in the game, you start realizing, damn, a lot of my heroes had teams low-key. Even though on the outside, it looks like one guy. But nobody does anything by themselves – everybody has someone that put them up in their first gallery, gave them their 1st break, gave them their first shot at something greater.

Undertones with Suitcase Joe.

Initially I set out to document Skid Row historically, better than anyone else has. I wanted to thoroughly capture the neighborhood. What I didn’t know would happen, was that I’d fall in love with the people and the place and that it would change my perspective on life all the way around.