ZANJEER زنجیر.

According to Europe, I’m a “person of color,” “Pakistani,” “Muslim,” “brown male” and various other identities that mean nothing to me. Meanwhile in Pakistan, I had other identities to contend with regarding the linguistic backgrounds in my family, the province I lived in, religious sects… But really, I could care less about these things. I’ve always identified as an outsider and an outcast. Thus every sort of identity feels like a burden on me. There are more fluid and interesting ways to understand the diversity of human cultures and groups that exist… Let’s deconstruct this sh*t.


With a team of two, some tasks are naturally easier, while others become harder to complete. The brainstorming process usually happens organically – one idea leads to another, and sometimes some ideas get dropped. Others get put away for future projects. Like with any creative endeavor between people, there is always some friction. Herb and Josh have learned that a mutual respect for each other and their work, keeps them evolving and helps them work out creative difference in every aspect of the Ocho Ojos project.


I’ve been friends with everyone in The Dark before we started working together, especially the guitarist, Robert. We’ve been friends since the 2000’s. In our earlier years, we played in bands together, silkscreen printed, and ran punk distros way before social media. Our friendship has always been tight and fun with a heavy focus on… Continue reading GUILLERMO MILLAN – SINKING INTO MADNESS. <<THE DARK>>


This booth was originally constructed for me to go to the Sante Fe Indian Market in 2019. It’s only a 2-day event, Saturday & Sunday. It’s very quick, but the occasion is pretty awesome because you have people from all over the world who come to New Mexico – 100,000+ people showing up at the… Continue reading LAURIE STEELINK – GATHERING POWER III.


I always like to work around characters that represent ambiguity; the one I made for Snakebite represented youth more than anything. It’s also inspired by my daughter, she was born here, which is the reason why I came and stayed here. I believe the best way to question power structures is through youth – I still have take on side projects as an independent educator, because changing the cycle starts with them.


My uncle and dad bought 1st Billiard’s in 1969, opened up the bar in 1970, and picked up another location downtown called 5 Star. He always took me under his wing so I would barback & help out when I could. I was 12 or 13 years old when I started dropping by. My dad got ill in 91/92’ and I was asked to take over. I didn’t plan on it but it was something that I had to take in.


LUIS: Art is everything within creating a vibration of sound, whether it be cumbia, hardcore, rap, metal… It’s our creative expression, from Chucky coming up with a riff, to the creative bassline that Brando lays down, to the backbone of the drum parts and Martin’s interpretation of that, to whatever Carlos ends up writing out…… Continue reading DESMADRE – NEGATIVE SHINE.


When we started as a grind band in the valley, we didn’t see many other Latinos playing this genre. And the recognized bands we did play with, were white. Now that we know and play with bands out in LA, we’re always seeing Latinos. It’s cool to rep our heritage in this music and see the positive responses we get from our followers. We have a design with Juan Gabriel and “818 Grindcore” under him, that’s us repping our Mexican culture and the 818.


I’ve been listening to heavy music my whole life. My dad influenced me a lot; he grew up when the punk scene was really popping in the valley. I love the anger that comes with the music. It’s raw and unfiltered and beneficial for everyone involved. When I perform & see people f*cking with my drumming, it makes me want to play harder and with more energy. I think I’ve really changed my perception on things since I started playing shows – listening to what people in the scene have to say about struggles and everyday issues really opened my eyes to how intense life can be.


We’re from North County San Diego, up in the woods like San Marcos and Fallbrook. Very rural area. It’s kind of barren, not much going on out there. Definitely gives us this kinda lonely, desolate vibe that I can feel in our music. The scene up here is kind of dead. There’s only like three really good bands from North County, being Dead Martyr, Madrugado, and Private Property. The rest are just indie & pop punk bands that aren’t even that special, really. We wanted to do something different from what the North County scene had, wanted to be the heaviest thing to come out of there.