My message and style is I don’t give a f*ck. I’m just here to paint this bat and piss people off.

When I was younger I liked a lot of graffiti, now I try not to pay much attention to things. I just look for spots and think of ideas that would be fun to paint. I always wanted a simple character to bomb and it took a long time to convey what I had in mind, but persistence overcame resistance.

I draw comic-style cells and other nonsense to keep myself entertained but painting on other people’s property is basically all I do. I try not to let too much influence me but I’m a fan of comedy and smut so those are a few inspirations.

The music I listen to is absolute f*cking garbage. Noise, anything that people don’t like. So you know, mostly Brittany Spears and Taylor Swift lol.

My rules are, there are no rules. I don’t give a f*ck anymore I’m just out here smelling paint and destroying and sh*tting in public. I want my bat to bring diarrhea and soft pen*s to the world. Art has taken a hot steamy dump on my brain so I try not to look at it because I have enough sh*t going on in my head already. I don’t need anything else in there stirring things up. I do enjoy funny nicknames & phrases, things that make me laugh.

I stay creative by delving deeper into the abyss of society and the vast hellscape of the interwebs trying to find heinous sh*t to assault my eyeballs with. I don’t hope graffiti brings anything but destruction to art and it seems like it’s losing its negative impact; too many people like it, too many people are doing it. It’s become a fad or trend and — I just remembered… I don’t care!