We’re from North County San Diego, up in the woods like San Marcos and Fallbrook. Very rural area. It’s kind of barren, not much going on out there. Definitely gives us this kinda lonely, desolate vibe that I can feel in our music. The scene up here is kind of dead. There’s only like three really good bands from North County, being Dead Martyr, Madrugado, and Private Property. The rest are just indie & pop punk bands that aren’t even that special, really. We wanted to do something different from what the North County scene had, wanted to be the heaviest thing to come out of there.

Dreary’s Blueberry Crumble Pie.

Preheat oven to 375°F. In a large bowl, mix berries with granulated sugar. Add cornstarch and salt – mix until berries are coated… Add lemon juice and transfer to an 8×8 square baking dish… In a bowl, beat together butter and brown sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy…

Dead Boys, Compton Punks, & Teddy Bear Stuffing: Deth Coast; The Smell 11/5/21

“My background’s mostly Brooklyn punk. I fuck heavy with Dead Boys, but also The Ramones for their poppy fun take on the scene. Saw Best Coast live & I thought, ‘Dude, I’m never going to be that good.’ Around that time all my best friends started doing meth so I stopped talking to them… I’m not the best, but I don’t smoke meth. So it’s Deth Coast.”

MyVeronica on Breaking Arms & makeoutclub.com; Halloween UCLA, 10/30

“The track I played called Makeoutclub was inspired by this pre-Myspace social networking site of the same name. It was this internet subculture community ‘for indierockers, hardcore kids, record collectors, artists, bloggers, & hopeless romantics’ (site tagline). I pieced the lyrics for that song from post excerpts…”

Marcy Playground on Deadheads & Modern Influences; The Canyon Montclair 11/12

“John Wozniak, guitarist & singer-songwriter of the band, told The Morning Call in 1998 that he followed the Grateful Dead from ages 14-20 selling LSD & hard-boiled eggs for a living. Reading that he had indulged in over 100 acid trips himself during that time, I asked him how his time as a Deadhead had influenced his sound…”