Dead Relatives is an Indígena-owned & operated non-profit magazine. Art rocks.

HKFY. noize_xphoto.

A journalist arranged an LA Times piece on the precursor to Dead Relatives, Protest Aid, during operations in 2020.

Managing over 50 volunteers across Los Angeles & Orange counties through a website, my teams & I provided medical support & supply stations at over 40 BLM & ICE protests over the summer George Floyd passed.

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Dead Relatives began as a web mag for artistic conversations in 2021. After our first year of publication, we started hosting semi-public parties & galleries involving Orange Amps, 22 West, UCLA Radio, & Audio-Technica. During this time, we built the infrastructure intended to carry our original concept for the mag – our turn to print is live now. 

“Test Print” April 2023.

All prints/issues support respective causes as noted. We are a non-profit organization, meaning any income the mag receives will only be used to maintain & expand Dead Relatives. Our content will always be free to read. This magazine was designed to preserve a space for creatives to educate, tell stories, & fundraise for change. We rely on donations to access & republish archived photos, videos, academic writings, & art.

-----> Seven times out of nine, the things we're never taught should have set the standard. Whatever you push, make it positive. Heavy rock industries. Are you made out of sugar? Every good sword is double-edged. Sometimes we wear London Fog. If you have something to say, say it. Here's your new order story: It's not you, it's November. Wine is forever. Las mañanas can only be better.
