Miguel Maldonado-Velasco III.

Music and movies subconsciously sparked an interest in photography when I was a kid. They were an escape and an obsession, which led to an appreciation for the photographs taken behind the scenes.

All photos by Miguel Maldonado-Velasco III.

I tend to look in the opposite direction, or elsewhere from where all the cameras are pointed, to see what else is going on at events. I like taking photos that make me feel like I did the moment it was taken.

In doing so, I’ve taken bits and pieces from several of my friends’ shooting styles, like Raz’s <@dancefloormurder> over-stylized glamour shots, OG’s <@ogv.photography> attention to intensity, and Rigo’s <@snaccmanjones> beautiful framing of everyday life. It’s never a competition. For me, this is still a hobby of taking photos of cool sh*t I like or go to.

It’s inspiring to see so many people put out art their own way, which is something I’m still learning to do with my career aspirations. Instead of waiting or relying on resources, DIY means looking towards your communities and peers to create whatever you want while learning in the process. I love that you can brush shoulders with iconic creatives while working alongside people who are just as passionate about learning the craft as you are.

It wasn’t until recently I became more invested in expanding the subjects I capture, and I’m grateful to have made such genuine friendships within such diverse communities. I consider myself more of a fan, an observant one, and that doesn’t deflate my responsibility of respecting others, the space I’m in, and ethos.

I’ve always believed in equality which is something that a lot of these communities strive for. Especially at shows where there is no division between the band and the audience. No one is above anyone, yet no one is equal if someone gets knocked down. You step up for the people who are kicked down, marginalized, or struggling, and you check those who step out of line.

The thought of my work impacting others still trips me out because photography was never for anything beyond myself. Putting what I see into the world made me aware of the spotlight I’m able to provide to others, the spotlight I didn’t even realize I could give. Hearing people tell me they discovered a band or picked up a camera because of me or my friends – that runs full circle with how I discovered photography. So I hope that cycle never ends, for all of us to continue creating from one another.

-Miguel Maldonado-Velasco III for Dead Relatives.


By Hector Zaldivar

Professional magician. @hexzald