All photography by @elygoat

Angst has always played a part in how I see the world. Photography has been a way to channel that angst into moments of pain, reflection, and life – I’m only here to escape. I want my photos to feel like the moment just before we break.

My photography stems from a weird doom state that has been with me from my teens to adulthood – every moment is so important because I’m about to lose it. I think that headspace came from understanding the value of life; the pain of loss is a more recent contrast. Not too long ago I had a close friend’s brother, 19 years old, pass away. Right now I’d like my work to carry the idea of youth pain and resistance.

People intrigue me, different frames of view intrigue me. One of my favorite parts about taking photos is getting to live outside myself. It’s very grounding. I also have a strong desire to be anything but sober. It helps me take in my surroundings and truly contributes to the rawness of what I shoot, helps me and many others like me get out of our heads.

As a kid, wrestling was a big part of the culture in my house. I didn’t connect with it until I got older and could see the value in stories as something to learn and take inspiration from – Lucha specifically with the characters and their personalities, it’s easy to lose yourself in the world of it all. But stories can also be a path to finding yourself, a means to relate & aspire.

Escape. But don’t forget where you came from.

-Ely Dominguez.

San Francisco-based photographer.


By Hector Zaldivar

Professional magician. @hexzald