Algo que nos pasa seguido es que en cualquier ciudad de Estados Unidos que toquemos, siempre hay un par de Mexicanos. Y puedo ver qué les emociona y/o da gusto ver a una banda de Mexico tocando por esos lados. Esta curada poder platicar con ellos un poco, conocer gente nueva que se identifican como Mexicanos pero que crecieron en otro país y en otra realidad totalmente distinta a la que nosotros tuvimos. Creo que como latinos nos ponemos felices de toparnos lejos de casa, pero también creo que sin decírnos lo sabemos que de una u otra manera la hemos perreado para estar ahí.

Categorized as Hardcore


Something that happens to us often is that in any city in the US we play in, there are always a couple of Mexicans. And I can see that they get excited and/or happy to see a band from Mexico playing in those parts. It’s nice to be able to talk with them a little, meet new people who identify as Mexican but grew up in another country and in another reality totally different from the one we had. I think that as Latinos we are happy to find ourselves far from home. I also think that, without telling ourselves, we know that in one way or another, we found a way to be there.

Categorized as Hardcore


As a kid, wrestling was a big part of the culture in my house. I didn’t connect with it until I got older and could see the value in stories as something to learn and take inspiration from – Lucha specifically with the characters and their personalities, it’s easy to lose yourself in the world of it all. But stories can also be a path to finding yourself, a means to relate & aspire.